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EarlToms Blogs



In simple terms GTMetrix crawls your site and makes recommendations to improve the speed of your website. There are a lot of complicated terms and codes but thankfully for all of us that use Wordpress, there are plugins for that. This has always been somewhat important but has become more important recently with Facebook releasing Instant Articles and Google releasing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Research has shown

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Pingdom crawls your site and makes recommendations to improve the speed of your website. There are a lot of complicated terms and codes but thankfully for all of us that use Wordpress, there are plugins for that. This has always been somewhat important but has become more important recently with Facebook releasing Instant Articles and Google releasing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Research has shown the time it takes a page to load has a direct impact on

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Real Estate Mentor

Real Estate Mentor

I see this question asked a lot in the Real Estate Wholesaler Community. It seems there are a lot of people that want to learn to wholesale Real Estate but lack qualified Mentors. There also seems to be a lot of people that claim to have the secret sauce to make you a lot of money in a short amount of time. This decision will impact your career and your livelihood. It’s important to find a good fit for you.

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Property Inspection

Basic Property Inspection

Inspecting a property is about your comfort level not checking boxes. Each house is different. That means each house will have different issues and amenities that the neighbors don’t have with their house. The condition of each house is going to be different because no two people are the same. You’re almost playing a game trying to find what the owner is hiding. Trust me, they all try to hide something. I’ve inspected thousands of houses as an appraiser and investor. If you look hard enough you’ll find what they are hiding. That can be fun!

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Find Comps on Zillow

We have all seen Where Can I Find Comps posted in Facebook groups more often than it should be asked by the industry. There really isn’t too much to finding comps on Zillow however, many people struggle to find comps. This is one of the first things any Real Estate Wholesaler learns how to do. If you can’t determine value it will be difficult for you to close any deals. You can easily find comps on Zillow. Here’s how

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What is a Sitemap

A sitemap is a file that you submit to search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The file is code that the search engines can crawl for indexing your site. Without your site being indexed there is no way to show up in any search results. It likely won’t make a lot of sense to you but do it anyway. It is a must have for Real Estate Wholesale Investors and it’s Free.

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What is Bitly

This is a free and easy way to track clicks to your site. This is useful to be able to track the return on the money you spend marketing. You can easily take any link and turn it into a link. If you haven’t started using it is definitely something you should look into.

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It’s not enough to have a list of potential. A list is worthless if it isn’t used, monitored, and flexible to keep the potential engaged until they spend money with you. That is the only thing any marketing should be concerned with is getting the customer/potential to spend money with you. That’s what ActiveCampaign does for you.

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Lead Propeller

Lead Propeller

We have also used Lead Propeller in the past. Their CRM is definitely the most robust of any website provider. We believe other website template providers offer better results with conversions. It’s a trade since their CRM, renovation estimate software, data, etc., are so good.

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