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Top Real Estate Wholesaling Podcast

EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #12 – The Habit of Wholesaling Houses

In this episode EarlToms discusses how to keep your business consistent by creating good habits and daily routines. You will also hear EarlToms daily routine. This has helped increase business and profit. Once you listen to this episode you will understand why developing habits and routines will take your business to the next level.

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EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #11 – Finding Your Niche Wholesaling Houses

Right now is a perfect time to find your niche wholesaling houses. You likely have extra time on your hands since most of us can’t move as freely as we could prior to the CoronaVirus. In this episode EarlTom discusses how to find a niche wholesaling real estate. By having a niche you create the right opportunities for your wholesaling business instead of finding opportunities with less profit because you’re competing against other wholesalers for deals.

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EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #10 – CoronaVirus-Adapt, Survive, & Prepare for Tomorrow

In this episode EarlTom discusses what is currently working to get deals under contract and sold to investors. You get the exact methods and what you should be looking into for the changes coming to the Real Estate industry in the future. We all have time on our hands right now. Listen to how to use it wisely to position yourself for success during the CoronaVirus and life afterwards.

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Episode #9 – Wholesaling Houses During the CoronaVirus

In this episode EarlTom discusses Wholesaling Houses during the CoronaVirus. We go over the marketing aspects that are providing good leads that are turning into to contract that we are still able to sell to investors. We also discuss how to prepare yourself for what is to come with this virus. It’s up to Wholesalers to save the Real Estate summer season because the agents won’t be selling much during the summer season. Go thru the stages of marketing we discuss to locate the deals as they come to market and stay safe to protect your financial stability and your family during this outbreak.

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EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #8 – How to Compare Houses to Get a More Accurate ARV

In this episode we discuss how to compare houses to get a more accurate ARV. We discuss simple ways to determine if you are doing it the right way, as well as common mistakes that most wholesalers make determining ARV. If you follow these tips you should be able to increase your profits for each deal. When you create good habits wholesaling houses the business becomes a lot easier to manage and make money.

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Episode #7 – Intro to Value – A Foundation to Determine an Accurate ARV for Houses

In this episode we discuss the basic principles to determine an accurate value. This information is shared by EarlTom, who used to Appraise Real Estate. This information will help you get a solid foundation to determine an accurate as-is value and an accurate ARV. We show you what to look for with comps and how to determine if the comps are the right ones to use. We also give you basic comparisons to things you do every day in your life that you can translate into accurately valuing houses. Intro to Value – A Foundation to Determine an Accurate ARV for Houses

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EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #6 – Writing a Contract THE RIGHT WAY with the Seller

In this episode we discuss writing a contract the right way with the seller that includes the necessary language and contingencies to include in the contract. In addition to the language and contingencies we address how to answer the questions a seller may have with certain aspects of the contract.

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EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #5 – How to Legally Wholesale Houses

In this episode we discuss how to legally Wholesale Houses. We discuss a range of topics from the process of how to write contracts, market your deals, and whether you should do the deal. This episode is designed to keep you out of trouble.

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EarlToms - We Buy Houses

Episode #4 – How to Find Sellers for Free

In this episode we discuss how to find sellers for free. We also give you a couple of ways to find sellers that are very inexpensive. Wholesaling Real Estate isn’t easy but the more ways you have to find deals, the better off you will be.

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